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Showing posts from 2016

8 years later... a progress update

Wow, it's been over 8 years since I setup this blog, and if I'm completely honest, I'd forgotten it existed! Revisiting it, it looks like things have changed a lot since my last post, and hence the need to update things here. The shutdown of Liberty Reserve meant that I lost a large proportion of the money I had earned through pay-to-click sites etc... This encouraged me to revisit my approach, and work out what to spend my time on, to ensure I was getting back to my principle of earning money with low risk, but additionally low effort. I now keep it simple: Search Lotto - This site basically pays you to use the Yahoo Search engine. It is branded under Search Lotto, but is Yahoo results, with the advertising revenue coming back to you. They pay in the form of Lottery tickets, either UK National Lottery or EuroMillions. I've not won a lot yet, but a few of my syndicates entries have won, and I've been paid out for these direct to my bank account. This is a ...